Thursday, November 29, 2012

nothing like his arms.

i am blessed to go to such a loving church
and lately every message has been hitting the spot
i love how i have joy to get up on sunday and go to church.
this last week pastor talked about how no matter how hard things get you have a father that will never leave you or forsake you.
he emphasized how no one has the power or authority to keep God's promises from your life.
i believe it so deeply and the sermon just gave me a little bit of hope.
and at the end pastor boone asked us to step out into the aisles if we were someone hurting
i hesitated (i always do)
and then i stepped out and people came to pray with me.
it is so good to know you have a family of love standing behind you to hold you up.
i felt a hand on my back and i knew right away it was my dads.
i know his touch.
and when the people had finished praying for me i stepped back into my pew
tears filled my eyes and my dad wrapped me in his arms
oh what comfort his arms provide
i love it.
he rested his chin on my head and just held me.
he knew what i needed
he knew all i wanted was to be held 
did i mention i love it.
hugs mean so much to me, if you really know me then you know that.
there is nothing like my dad's arms wrapped around me
it everything perfect
there i can be me and there i am safe and protected from everything that hurts
i know one day i will be wrapped in my real fathers arms 
but for now my daddy does it pretty well
i couldn't be more blessed with the arms God provided to hold me til the day he can himself.

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